Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

[S957.Ebook] Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH

Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH

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MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD  FRCP  FRCPCH

MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH

MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD  FRCP  FRCPCH

Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH

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MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD  FRCP  FRCPCH

2008 BMA Medical Book Competition Awards:
First Prize Paediatrics

Prepared in conjunction with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), MRCPCH MasterCourse has been constructed as a comprehensive package for trainees facing professional examinations in paediatrics and child health.

Career paediatricians sitting the full MRCPCH examination will require the boxed set. This comprises volumes 1 and 2, a DVD containing video clips of clinical scenarios, and PIN access to a website with self-assessment and further learning materials. This provides all the learning materials required for successful completion of the MRCPCH parts 1 and 2 and MRCPCH Clinical.

For candidates sitting the Diploma in Child Health (DCH) exams and doctors with a primary-care interest in child health, Volume 1 will be sufficient.

  • A complete multi-media course for the new MRCPCH examination.
  • The written component are produced as attractive, full-colour books written in a problem-orientated style, with full-colour line drawings and colour photographs.
  • Books contain references to video and audio clips on accompanying DVD that comes with the books to help with preparation for the MRCPCH Clinical.
  • The related website offers self-testing questions (in exam style) and answers, links to important paediatric websites (guidelines, etc.), selected content from relevant journals, such as Current Paediatrics, periodic clinical updates etc.
  • An essential purchase for all paediatric trainees in the UK and in other countries where the MRCPCH examination is held, as well as for GPs taking the DCH examination. (Volume 1 only).
  • Planned and written with the latest syllabus of the MRCPCH in mind.

  • Sales Rank: #1293108 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Churchill Livingstone
  • Published on: 2007-05-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 12.20" h x 4.30" w x 9.10" l, 5.60 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 848 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent for review of your questions for Part one MRCPCH
By Neerupa Kissoon
Excellent for review of your questions for Part one MRCPCH. However you also should use your normal pediatic textbook before or along with this book as it does not give much details.

See all 1 customer reviews...

MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH PDF
MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH EPub
MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH Doc
MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH iBooks
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MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH Kindle

[S957.Ebook] Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH Doc

[S957.Ebook] Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH Doc

[S957.Ebook] Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH Doc
[S957.Ebook] Free PDF MRCPCH MasterCourse: Two Volume Set with DVD and website access, 1e (MRCPCH Study Guides) (Vol. 2), by Malcolm I. Levene MD FRCP FRCPCH Doc

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