Senin, 21 April 2014

[L439.Ebook] Download Ebook Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability

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Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability

Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability

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Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability

  • Sales Rank: #5028912 in Books
  • Published on: 1600
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An essential and foundational guide to the theoretical foundations of Permaculture
By Thomas I. Ellis
A masterpiece of rigor and moral clarity. Holmgren has taken the next important step in the global Permaculture movement started by the brilliant and charismatic Bill Mollison, in that he has crystallized Mollison's insights into a mandala of twelve key principles. These principles go well beyond the detailed suggestions for regenerative gardening techniques that comprise most Permaculture literature--they are generalized so as to be universally applicable, yet clear and precise in their explanations. This theoretically dense book should be read slowly and deliberately in a group--a book club, for example, so that these principles can be thoroughly grasped and discussed. If Bill Mollison's Permaculture Design Manual is the practical permaculture "bible," this book is its theoretical complement.

57 of 59 people found the following review helpful.
Vital Contribution, see also Priority One, Other Books Below
By Robert David STEELE Vivas
This is for me a very important book, one of a handful that joins the Ecological Economics volumes crafted by Herman Daly and others, and also the Natural Capitalism endeavors of Paul Hawkin, Anthony Lovins. The author excels at rendering logical, sequential, and integrated concepts, all of which lead us to the inevitable conclusion--as the author intends--that human intellect, social networks, an appreciation for diversity as the foundation for cross-fertilization, and the enormous potential of the five billion poor--all suggest that a non-technological renaissance may be upon us, and that the bottom-up action of many minds could yet destroy the still-prevailing industrial, top-down control, centralizing of wealth through violence, and externalization of "true cost" to the unwitting public that no longer understands history or that the prevailing shadowy coalitions of bankers, corporate chieftains, private armies, spies, criminals, and terrorists.

My greatest surprise came at the very end, where the author provides a post-9/11 epilogue, and says: "There is abundant evidence that September 11 was an outcome of these shadowy coalitions, which link global energy corporations, US foreign policy, the global "intelligence community," Islamic fundamentalists, arms dealers, and illegal drug trade. Discussion of this bizarre symbiosis [elsewhere he puns on `Bush Laden'] remains beyond the pale of mainstream media....and is the best example of the paralysis of public discourse due to an absence of language to comprehend top-down thinking and bottom-up action as a new mode of power [sustainable community-oriented end-user driven values and behavior and investments].

Every page of this book offers up useful insights and compelling arguments for stopping the current immolation of the Earth and going back to 1491 and the holistic integration of systems ecology, landscape geography, ethno-biology, and cybernetics, along with the co-integration of ecological, cultural, economic, and political. Later in the book the author mentions the importance of integrating religion and science.

He is quite clear, quoting Stuart Hill, that first values must be defined, and only then can sustainable design begin. I have a note on holistic methods that use culture to integrate and promulgate psycho-social knowledge and wisdom with bio-ecological sustainable design.

The author provides a sharp critique of education today as reductionist, fragmented, rote, and disconnected from experience. In this vein, let me note that a World Bank official told me on the 21st of August that the CIA analysts that come to the World Bank in search of knowledge are "too young, lack knowledge, and have a propensity to put forward hypotheses (e.g. about Darfur and the region) that are frightening in their ignorance." On a positive note, while I have always been the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, I only entered into the top 100 and then the top 50 over-all, when Dick Cheney succeeded in frightening a significant portion of the population back into reading non-fiction. I consider it my sacred duty to be a human version of the Cliff Notes for all serious readers concerned about the future of the Republic.

The author specifies that the general public (that is to say, the 90% of us that have not looted the commonwealth but rather been subtly enslaved) is back to 1978 in terms of quality of life and sufficiency of income. All our hard word has enriched a few and left the Republic with bridges that collapse for lack of sustained investment in the public interest.

The author slams "just enough, just in time" logistics as unsustainable madness, and throughout the book, with both text and illustrations, shows how we must balance between "slow, steady, small" and "fast, random, big."

I liked the references to the role of the landscape as a means of storing energy, water, nutrients, and carbon. The author stresses the importance of understanding entropy (example from other work: water can be desalinated, but the energy cost, in the absence of renewable energy, is unaffordable over time). The author quotes Natural Capital many times, and I regard this book as a perfect complement to that strategic work--this is the operational, tactical, and technical counterpart. See also Priority One.

The author provides both maxims and principles in this book.

The maxims:
1. All observations are relative
2. Top-down thinking, bottom-up action
3. The landscape is the textbook
4. Failure is useful so long as we learn
5. Elegant solutions are simple, even invisible
6. Make the smallest intervention necessary
7. Avoid too much of a good thing
8. The problem is the solution
9. Recognize and break out of design cul-de-sacs

Permaculture design principles:
1. Observe and Interact
2. Catch and Store Energy
3. Obtain a Yield
4. Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback
5. Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services
6. Produce No Waste
7. Design from Patterns to Details
8. Integrate Rather than Segregate
9. Use Small and Slow Solutions
10. Use and Value Diversity
11. Uses Edges and Value the Marginal
12. Creatively Use and Respond to Change

The author tells us that self-reliance is a form of consumer boycott and also a form of political action.

In addition to sustainable design, the author believes that maintenance engineering has a bright future.

He points out that recycling uses much more energy than re-use.

He notes that the failure of the elites to self-regulate their greed is a recurring problem (violent comprehensive revolutions are often set off when a precipitating outrage follows a long precondition of concentrated wealth and externalized waste).

The sins of the father will curse seven generation (similar to Native American concept of making consensual decisions that are known to be relevant seven generations into the future--what Stewart Brand calls the Clock of the Long Now.

The author emphasizes that the world's poor represent a vast pool of human resources and capabilities as well as (CKP's point) a four trillion dollar marketplace.

Other helpful books in this domain:
Priority One: Together We Can Beat Global Warming
The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility
Ecological Economics: Principles And Applications
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution
The Manufacture of Evil: Ethics, Evolution and the Industrial System
Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West
Diet for a Small Planet
Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits (Wharton School Publishing Paperbacks)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Give me the practical Holmgren instead
By cobber gal
It's an intellectualisation trip, possibly forced on him by doctrinaire disciples. Permaculture is eminently practical, founded in observations of reality. This feels to me like an "apologia" for something real that needs no justification.

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[L439.Ebook] Download Ebook Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability Doc

[L439.Ebook] Download Ebook Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability Doc
[L439.Ebook] Download Ebook Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability Doc

Minggu, 20 April 2014

[B579.Ebook] Download Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches, by Linje Manyozo

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Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches, by Linje Manyozo

Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches, by Linje Manyozo

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Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches, by Linje Manyozo

The book thus addresses the extant gap in scholarship in the field and includes a chapter on impact evaluation, which current scholarship has either ignored or footnoted. In addition, the book uses case studies from both the global south and the global north to attend to complex and multidisciplinary concerns with participation, power and empowerment.

The author brings in postcolonial perspectives to demonstrate that the use of MCD approaches emerged in response to the growing problems of underdevelopment, and not necessarily to western development theories. Using simple language that is at the same time theoretically engaged, he opens up the field to scholars across a large number of disciplines.

  • Sales Rank: #2242549 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd
  • Published on: 2012-09-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.40" h x .80" w x 5.40" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 284 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author

Linje Manyozo is a Lecturer and Director of the MSc Programme in Media, Communications and Development in the Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science. He has taught development communication in South Africa and Malawi, where in 2005, he successfully proposed and introduced Africa s first ever undergraduate degree programme in development communication at the University of Malawi. He continues to guest-lecture in Europe, as he strongly believes that development communication is even more relevant to the global north. Linje s teaching and research are informed by his upbringing in postcolonial Malawi as well as his work as a development journalist, creating educational communications with marginalized communities. His past and current research examines questions of subaltern representation, voice and authority in development policy formulation and implementation.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By J.R.
A book that makes some interesting points from a non-standard perspective.

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Jumat, 11 April 2014

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Creole, by Jose-Eduardo Agualusa

Creole paints a vivid and dramatic picture of a decadent social order in tatters. Extraordinary characters, real and fictional, look on as their world collapses.

  • Sales Rank: #3013465 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-05-28
  • Original language: Portuguese
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .60" h x 5.00" w x 7.70" l, .39 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 160 pages

'One of the most powerful and most beautiful arguments against a stereotyped vision of Africa. Agualusa rediscovers the brutal and fascinating world of mulatto Africa, a world riddled with love and hate that jumps social barriers; with political riots that mobilize whites as well as blacks; and with intrigues that unfold in cosmopolitan settings. In short, a Creole nation that has needed more than a century to rebuild the beauty and the magnetism of this stolen memory' - El Pais

About the Author
José Eduardo Agualusa is the author of Market of the Damned and Rainy Season.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A wonderful read
By Gogol
Wonderful read (something you would take to the beach with you especially for those hot summer holidays in a tropical climate) Set in Angola, Brazil and Portugal during the close of the Portuguese slave trade the book takes the form of corrispondance letters first of all from a middle class Portuguese liberal who arrives in Angola and falls in love with a local African woman and finaly from the lady herself.

Its a lovely read, wonderfully describing Angola during the 19th century the sights, the sounds the mixed culture both African and European. The author is also wise not to make things out too idealistic concerning the conditions of both native freedmen and slaves while being keen to describe how the Angolan capital had become a racial melting pot.

It would be unfair to give away too much of the story as this is a short book (about 150 pages) and you will probably have it finnished in a day but it is without doubt worth reading.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
"The hot, humid Angolan air... fruit and sugarcane, and...another smell, something subtler, more melancholy...death and decay"
By sally tarbox
Epistolary novel, written mainly by one Fradique Mendes, an 'aristocrat and adventurer' who has sailed out from his native Lisbon to Angola in 1868. In letters for his godmother and for his friend Eca de Queiroz (a famous Portugese author), he describes life in Africa - the privileged whites, the slaves and the (mixed-race) 'children -of -the -country'. And here he falls in love with the beautiful, but married, Creole woman, Ana Olimpia.
Enslavement of the one he loves, an alligator hunt, re-location to Brazil and the political fallout from his opposition to slavery.... Agualusa tells a very readable story, that vividly describes a part of the world which rarely features in fiction. But there is also the deeper side of his thoughts on the Portugese colonies of the era:
"Once dropped into Africa the unfortunate Portugese try in the first place to keep themselves in the saddle - that is, alive and thieving - little caring in which direction the continent is headed. And Portugal, having once dropped them there, has forgotten all about them."
Leaves a strong impression in a short novel.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
something got lost in translation
By jkobi2011
the book won the Portuguese Grand Prize for Literature and there is uneasy feeling about slavery in connection with the Portuguese
control over Angola and Brazil in the late nineteenth century and it is admirable that an attempt has been made to do a translation. Unfortunately in the translation some of the intense meaning of the original has been lost. For Example ,he relates briefly a story of an attempt on the life of a narrator and describes how he was not bothered by the shooting because he has some 'very high-calibre enemies'. The term high- calibre does not fit in with a narrator of the late nineteenth century and I assume an experienced novelist writing in Portuguese in the language of a late nineteenth-century narrator would have found used a word which would have been current for the times. It is still nice to have a translation and the translator is to be congratulated .

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Kamis, 10 April 2014

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Food Service Planning: Layout and Equipment, by Lendal H. Kotschevar, Margaret E. Terrell

Food Service Planning Manual with Layout and Equipment plans; institutional food services; restaurants; with storage and refridgeration plans

  • Sales Rank: #1533353 in Books
  • Published on: 1977-03-30
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 2.13 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 618 pages

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Rabu, 09 April 2014

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Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms

Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms

Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms

Free PDF Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms

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Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms

In this fully revised second edition of Understanding Probability, the reader can learn about the world of probability in an informal way. The author demystifies the law of large numbers, betting systems, random walks, the bootstrap, rare events, the central limit theorem, the Bayesian approach and more. This second edition has wider coverage, more explanations and examples and exercises, and a new chapter introducing Markov chains, making it a great choice for a first probability course. But its easy-going style makes it just as valuable if you want to learn about the subject on your own, and high school algebra is really all the mathematical background you need.

  • Sales Rank: #1820493 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Cambridge University Press
  • Published on: 2007-08-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.98" h x .98" w x 5.98" l, 1.60 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 452 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"An excellent book for the study of basic probability events... This book is an excellent choice for advanced courses in probability for math majors who have completed the calculus sequence."
Charles Ashbacher, Journal of Recreational Mathematics

About the Author
Henk Tijms is Professor of Operations Research at the Vrije University in Amsterdam. The author of several textbooks, including A First Course in Stochastic Models, he is intensively active in the popularization of applied mathematics and probability in Dutch high schools. He has also written numerous papers on applied probability and stochastic optimization for international journals, including Applied Probability and Probability in the Engineering and International Sciences.

Most helpful customer reviews

38 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
A great introductory probability book
By Wayne L. Winston
Henk Tijms is one of the world's leading experts in applied probability. This book is a wonderful introduction to probability theory. The second half of book a requires basic differntial calculus but beyond that only high school algebra is required. First half of book motivates probabilistic thinking through many fascinating examples and problems. Second half of book fills in the rigor. What sets the book apart is that unlike most books every problem and example are interesting. Another excellent feature is the fact that simulation is used throughout to develop probabilistic inttiution. All in all a wonderful book.

I write textbooks in the field but several examples in the book (such as Poisson approximation to the famous birthday problem) taught me some new tricks!

19 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Great intro to probability
By Mathemat
I am a physician who uses probabilty and statistics in research and I am always interested in finding textbooks that are such effective teaching instruments that they are suitable for self-study. Unfortunately work has prevented me from finishing this book for now and so my comments are based on an incomplete reading of the book but my initial impression was positive and I thought it was worth sharing. But it is one of the best books I have found. It is a nice balance between mathematical rigor and expository writing and I very much appreciated historical anecdotes that come in handy when one wonders if one has what it takes to finish the book and master the subject-specifically how Leibniz had difficulty calculating the probability of rolling a certain number with dice. I was particularky impressed because I had a very negative impression of some of the "classics" that will remain unnamed that are undoubtedly super colelctions of information and concepts but rather poor vehicals of instruction. I have to admit that I definitely prefer a more expository style in which the author is really speaking to you. The "high-density" books are not for me. So I very much appreciated professor Tijms expository approach.

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
A reader from Mexico City
By Onesimo Hernandez Lerma
Highly recommended.

I could not put this book down. Working through the colorful problems in this book is a great way to learn and apply basic probability principles. I've have never seen a probability book with such good examples.

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[J968.Ebook] Free PDF Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms Doc

[J968.Ebook] Free PDF Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms Doc
[J968.Ebook] Free PDF Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life, by Henk Tijms Doc

Selasa, 08 April 2014

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The Public Inquiry into the Piper Alpha Disaster (Two Volume Set), by Lord Cullen

  • Sales Rank: #3865719 in Books
  • Published on: 1990-11
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 2
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 488 pages

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The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, by Kate DiCamillo

A classic tale by Newbery Medalist Kate DiCamillo, America’s beloved storyteller

Once, in a house on Egypt Street, there lived a china rabbit named Edward Tulane. The rabbit was very pleased with himself, and for good reason: he was owned by a girl named Abilene, who adored him completely. And then, one day, he was lost. . . .
Kate DiCamillo takes us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the bedside of an ailing child to the bustling streets of Memphis. Along the way, we are shown a miracle – that even a heart of the most breakable kind can learn to love, to lose, and to love again.
Featuring black-and-white illustrations and a refreshed cover by Bagram Ibatoulline.

  • Sales Rank: #3032 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-12-08
  • Released on: 2015-12-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.62" h x .61" w x 5.11" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

From School Library Journal
Grade 3-6–Edward Tulane, a china rabbit, is the main character in this thoughtful tale by Kate DiCamillo (Candlewick, 2006). Edward is dearly loved by a young girl named Abilene. One day he is lost over the side of a boat. His journey leads him to a older couple who dress him like a girl rabbit, a hobo and his dog, a young girl and her brother and, finally, to a doll shop. Along the way, Edward learns to love the people he encounters. He also learns that family members can be cruel to one another; that hobos have family that they love dearly and don't want to forget; that no matter how much you love someone, she may still die; and that no matter what happens in life, never give up on love. Tony Award-winner Judith Ivey infuses each character that Edward encounters with a unique accent and aura, and accurately portrays their emotions. A beautifully crafted telling.–Veronica Schwartz, Des Plaines Public Library, IL
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
*Starred Review* Gr. 2-4. As she did in her Newbery Medal Book, The Tale of Despereaux (2004), DiCamillo tucks important messages into this story and once more plumbs the mystery of the heart--or, in this case, the heartless. Edward Tulane is a china rabbit with an extensive wardrobe. He belongs to 10-year-old Abilene, who thinks almost as highly of Edward as Edward does of himself. Even young children will soon realize that Edward is riding for a fall. And fall he does, into the sea, after mean boys rip him from Abilene's hands during an ocean voyage. Thus begins Edward's journey from watery grave to the gentle embrace of a fisherman's wife, to the care of a hobo and his dog, and into the hands of a dying girl. Then, pure meanness breaks Edward apart, and love and sacrifice put him back together--until just the right child finds him. With every person who taouches him, Edward's heart grows a little bit softer and a little bit bigger. Bruised and battered, Edward is at his most beautiful, and beautiful is a fine word to describe the artwork. Ibatoulline outdoes himself; his precisely rendered sepia-tone drawings and color plates of high artistic merit are an integral part of this handsomely designed package. Yet even standing alone, the story soars because of DiCamillo's lyrical use of language and her understanding of universal yearnings. This will be a pleasure to read aloud. Ilene Cooper
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

"Superbly performed...a top-notch treatment of an award-winning tale."

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful! But may not be quite right for some kids.
Review written by a 9 yo kid who loves all Kate DiCamillo's books: "This book is about a china rabbit who does not know how to love. He lives on Egypt Street with a young girl called Abeline. Edward is spoiled by Abeline. So spoiled that he gets everything that he could dream of and he never gives anything back not One day, Abiline leaves to London taking Edward with her on a ship called "Queen Mary". Soon after they board, Edward is thrown overboard by two mean boys who steal Edward from Abeline. Edward begins to drawn untill he reaches the bottom of the sea. After several years, there comes a big wave. The wave was big enough to lift Edward up and take him to the shore. From that day on, he begins to have emotions, feel appreciative and grateful to be alive.
Edward meets many new friends and one by one he begins to love them. But no one was his true owner. After many years of changing owners Edward meets the end of the cycle. I am not going to tell the end of the story and I think that you will love it and will be surprised with the unexpected ending. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo, is an extraordinary, magical story but it is a book that can have a bit of a troubled plot for younger kids so I suggest you read it with an adult if you are younger than eight." review by 9yo kid from Isabela's Book Nook blog (, a blog for kids books review.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
One of the all-time best
By Bill McNeil
The little ones were hooked immediately. During chapter one, our nine-year-old was complaining, "this is a baby book. This is lame." OK, I get it. A young boy is fair to be suspicious of a story about a doll. A couple more chapters and he was quiet. A few more and he was begging for the nightly chapter.

It's tough to explain the premise of this book while doing it justice. It's about a porcelain rabbit who does not appreciate his good fortune, but comes to know love in a journey worthy of Odysseus. The book is sweet without getting too syrupy. There were times when I even found myself getting choked up. The emotion is so well-delivered and genuine.

If you like a long set-up like I do, this is one of the best. At the worst, Edward's situation seems utterly hopeless. More than once, it seems like Edward's journey is at a dismal end. But that doesn't sound like the way a "Miraculous Journey" ends, does it?

This book was very deserving of its "Top 100 chapter books of all-time" status that led me to it. It is a wonderful choice for reading to elementary school children. You will not be disappointed. It is one of the best.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
My daughter loved this book!!
By 2 Girls' Mom
We only bought this at the recommendation of my daugter's teacher. Originally, my 10-year old daughter wanted to take (what she thought would be) the easy way out and read Diary of a Wimpy Kid for her book report. She thought she was sly because most of those books are pictures anyway, so it wouldn't be much reading. Her teacher said she would allow that, but recommended that she try this book instead. As soon as this book was delivered, my daughter started reading. After a few pages, she commented how incredibly sad this book was, and I thought that was it. I didn't think she'd even give it a chance. Needless to say, she finished the book and LOVED IT! She was having a really hard time getting enough substance out of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book to write a book report about, but once she read the Tulane book, the report just flowed out of her. It was amazing. She loved the book, and I think she got something out of it. I feel like she learned about loyalty and appreciation for the people who care for you.

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Senin, 07 April 2014

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Telemedicine and Electronic Medicine (E-Medicine, E-Health, M-Health, Telemedicine, and Telehealth Handbook)From CRC Press

The E-Medicine, E-Health, M-Health, Telemedicine, and Telehealth Handbook provides extensive coverage of modern telecommunication in the medical industry, from sensors on and within the body to electronic medical records and beyond.

Telemedicine and Electronic Medicine is the first volume of this handbook. Featuring chapters written by leading experts and researchers in their respective fields, this volume:

  • Describes the integration of―and interactions between―modern eMedicine, telemedicine, eHealth, and telehealth practices
  • Explains how medical information flows through wireless technologies and networks, emphasizing fast-deploying wireless body area networks
  • Presents the latest developments in sensors, devices, and implantables, from medical sensors for mobile communication devices to drug-delivery systems
  • Illustrates practical telemedicine applications in telecardiology, teleradiology, teledermatology, teleaudiology, teleoncology, acute care telemedicine, and more

The E-Medicine, E-Health, M-Health, Telemedicine, and Telehealth Handbook bridges the gap between scientists, engineers, and medical professionals by creating synergy in the related fields of biomedical engineering, information and communication technology, business, and healthcare.

  • Sales Rank: #8389132 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.50" h x 7.50" w x 1.75" l, 4.30 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 740 pages

About the Author

Halit Eren received his B.Eng, M.Eng, and Ph.D degrees from the University of Sheffield, UK, and MBA from Curtin University. He has worked as an instrumentation engineer, and held positions of assistant professorship at Hacettepe University and the Middle East Technical University; associate professorship at Hong Kong Polytechnic University; visiting professorship at the University of Wisconsin; and visiting scholar at the University of Sheffield. Dr. Eren has been conducting research and teaching at Curtin University for more than 30 years. He currently holds an adjunct senior research fellowship at the university. Widely published, Dr. Eren is a senior member of the IEEE.

John G. Webster received his BEE from Cornell University, and his MSEE and a Ph.D from the University of Rochester. Dr. Webster is currently professor emeritus of biomedical engineering at the University of Wisconsin. Previously, he was a highly cited researcher at King Abdulaziz University. Widely published, Dr. Webster is a fellow of the IEEE, ISA, AIMBE, BMES, and IOP. He has been a member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Administrative Committee and the NIH Surgery and Bioengineering Study Section, and the recipient of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Career Achievement Award.

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Jumat, 04 April 2014

[L505.Ebook] Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

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Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

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Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner

Hebrew From Scratch is also known as 'Ivrit min hathahala'. It's a comprehensive textbook, grammar and exercise book for the beginner adult student. Widely used by high school and university students. The instructions for the exercises as well as the translations of the vocabulary lists are in English. Otherwise, the course is based on Hebrew-only instruction.

  • Sales Rank: #31554 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Academon
  • Published on: 2007
  • Original language: Hebrew
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.55" h x .79" w x 8.43" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 524 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

77 of 83 people found the following review helpful.
By Whimsy Taylor
Do not purchase this expensive tome if you are trying to study Hebrew on your own. While it is modern Hebrew, you MUST have a class, a teacher, and/or a tutor to work your way through this massive edition. It is what they use for those making aliyah or studying in an ulpan in Israel, it doesn't mean it's the BEST way to teach or learn Hebrew for those of us wanting to study it outside of Israel. There are no vowel marks throughout the book. Even for me, someone who has studied Ivrit for several years, and can read Torah which has no vowel marks, this book is a struggle on my own. While it is true to how modern Hebrew is written and spoken and used today, it doesn't make it the best or easiest way to learn.

One of the best introductions to modern Hebrew can be found online for FREE at [...] Many people have also found Rosetta Stone very good.

I would recommend this book only if it is required for your class led by a teacher. Otherwise, move on to other texts that are far more user-friendly. Only after getting some competence could you begin to work your way through this unwieldy, unfriendly book.

21 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Great book used in an ulpan in Jerusalem!
By Shimrit A. Hanes
While my family was in Jerusalem, some of our friends there were in an ulpan (Hebrew language school for new immigrants). They were using this book! So I was very excited to see it here! I have been using this book on my own and like it very much. I was glad to see that you can get CDs to go with it and will probably get those next!

I like the pictures which helped me to get the "word stands for this thing" into my head. When you see a computer and say "machshev" it's like you are naming the thing you are seeing, and it seems to stick better. The stories and conversations are humorous, so their simplicity at first doesn't seem dumb. A very engaging book and fun to use. The only lessons that would be better are the totally interactive programs, but if you're like me and can't afford those. This book and the CDs are a good and affordable way to go!

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
thorough but not perfect
By R. Johnston
I am halfway through this text, working on my own. I've studied several languages before, so I'll admit I am familiar with the general experience of learning a language. I knew the Hebrew letters before I began this, but only about a dozen miscellaneous words, and no spoken grammar or sounds.

I agree with other reviewers that the lack of grammar explanation makes it harder to use. Because I have other language experience, I am able to make up for the lack of teacher, most of the time. I really like the audio CD and would not recommend studying without it.

The book is very thorough and overall it is well-planned. The handful of nouns and verbs in the opening chapters become the core of many layers of new words, and all cycle back and get repeated. The introduction of lots of borrowed English words, and many geographical place names, adds some instant vocabulary. If you are going to be in Israel, the early chapters will give survival words, like "I am from America" and "I live in Haifa."

The writers were not careful to vet every single lesson for its vocabulary, and in nearly every lesson, a word creeps in that isn't introduced until the next chapter or two. The CD occasionally has a different text, especially when it accompanies handwritten text. These are careless imperfections in a textbook that was clearly planned well otherwise. (A friend told me that it's typical of the military ulpan experience, so it may just go with learning spoken Hebrew.)

My chief criticism of the CD and text is that they didn't carry out the drudgery of reading through the vocabulary list for each lesson. Yes, friends, it's necessary! Nearly every word in the vocabulary list shows up somewhere in a dialogue, but you have to really watch and listen.

I found the opening chapters very overwhelming, because they introduced cursive letters right away, and not even always in the same hand or style, and right away, the words appeared without vowel pointings. Typically, you get the vowels once, and never again. So the first chapters are very, very scary. Reading remains slow and tricky compared to reading a full-alphabet language such as Russian or French.

My attitude in taking this on is what I'd recommend for anyone: take each lesson as it comes. Don't panic, just learn what's in the lesson. Go back and repeat, retrace, and copy out in a notebook for yourself, until you know every word and can read every phrase. Don't worry that you can't read anything else. Just learn the exact confines of that lesson, and then turn the page and learn the exact material of the next. Take your time, and review. Say them out loud, repeat them over in your spare time, and write our lists of words: singular, plural. He does, she does, they do. Gradually you will remember these things, and you will recognize words, and slowly you will learn Hebrew.

Overall, I do recommend this textbook. You learn lots about Israel, too.

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Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner PDF
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Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Doc
Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner iBooks
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Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Mobipocket
Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Kindle

[L505.Ebook] Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Doc

[L505.Ebook] Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Doc

[L505.Ebook] Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Doc
[L505.Ebook] Fee Download Hebrew from Scratch, Part 1 (Hebrew Edition), by Shlomit Chayat, Sara Israeli, Hila Kobliner Doc